Monday, October 8, 2007

Intuition and Business
In the not-too-distant future, corporations will have professional intuitives on staff, much like kings and pharoahs in ancient cultures had viziers, astrologers, and dream priests who provided vital information about the unseen factors influencing their success. Soon it won't seem odd at all that an empath, like the beautiful Star Trek intuitive, might be consulted about the strategy for making a major new investment or how a cash flow problem should be solved. Even today, in Asian cultures, it is not at all uncommon for businesses to consult with psychics about such things as timing on new marketing campaigns or the feng shui in their office complex.

In the future, executives will hire the services of proven teams of expert intuitives. These councils will conduct intuitive readings on specifically designed sets of questions, posed independently to each individual intuitive. The intuitive insights will then be merged into a consensual report, comprised of the common findings and the most tantalizing new angles for problem-solving. Intuitives will shed light on the underlying hidden agendas interfering with growth, help define accurate vision statements, solve personnel problems, assess prospective business partnerships, identify market trends, pinpoint timing, projected sales figures, create and double-check strategies, and help facilitate painless conflict resolution.

Intuition and perception training will be much more accepted in the corporate arena soon. Businesses will have to change the way they think, from purely linear perception to holographic knowing, to keep up with the changes in the world’s consciousness. In the near future, upper and lower echelon business people will meet in cross-disciplinary groups, use intuitive methods to align their minds and hearts into a singular focus, ask specific questions of the “group mind,” and receive highly useful, appropriate data that is mutually empowering to each person, to the business, to its clients, to the environment and society as a whole.

Solving Problems Before They Materialize
As executives acknowledge the interrelatedness of the internal, invisible, process-oriented part of life and the external, visible, results-oriented part of life, they will consider new, softer solutions to problems. They will assume that nipping an unhealthy energetic pattern in the bud is a highly efficient way to maximize productivity. It will be common sense to deal with potential problems at the feeling and emotional level, before they erupt into physical breakdowns in the manufacturing plant.

For example, a friend of mine was involved with a company that had a serious cash flow problem, threatening its very existence. The four founding partners, all men, were polarizing and a bitter battle was brewing. Two became controlling and dominating and planted their spears; two became victims and tried to preserve themselves, ready to leap to whichever side looked more promising. They spent money they didn’t have to bring in outside consultants who helped them develop better communications and new strategies. But nothing worked.

In the end, the company succumbed to a hostile takeover by the most domineering partner, in which almost all the employees were let go, and several of the partners were cheated of their rightful due. Had these men been open to the view “from the inside out,” they would have seen that the company was designed as an arena for them to work out the unconscious problems they each had due to bad relationships with their fathers, and thus to their own, and others’ authority. A talented “corporate therapist” or expert intuitive might have been able to help them find a way to support each other, and thus to save the company, which they erroneously thought existed only to manufacture a product and give them money.

In the near future, when we’re able to hold the paradox of the mutual inclusiveness of the world of spirit (non-form) and matter (form), 20 people won’t need to be severely shocked by the loss of their livelihoods, and the industry won’t need to lose a potentially innovative company, all because of the polarized egos and limited perception of four men. In the corporation of the future, hopefully “love” in business won’t be an oxymoron, and we’ll be able to speak directly about “intuition” and “spirit” without having to allude to these vital components of life through palatable and inventive semantics such as “business ethics,” “integrity in the workplace,” the “spirit of cooperation,” or “flying by the seat of your pants.”