Monday, April 3, 2006

"Counter-Intuitive": Arrrrrrgh!
The rains continue here in northern California, 25 of 31 days in March, and nonstop into April. My visions are full of images of me lying in pools of water in the center of the earth, receiving IV's from spiritual doctors containing some sort of high-frequency liquid crystalline "medicine." Deluge imagery aside, I turn my attention to a pet peeve today. Once again, I heard a savvy interviewer, this time on NPR, proclaim that something was "counter-intuitive." This seems to be a fashionable new term these days—one that people are throwing around without really understanding what it means. They are using it to mean "illogical," describing something that doesn't make sense or goes against what we know to be true. In its truest sense, counter-intuitive means to override your intuition. One's intuition may certainly be illogical at times, but it is mainly a sense of direct knowing, of trusting one's body and soul, without mental proof. Something that goes against intuition is a basic reversion to belief, logic, and proof. It would be counter-intuitive to NOT call your mother when you've been thinking about her all day. It would be counter-intuitive if you chose to mouth the party line instead of speaking your own truth. It would be counter-intuitive to not follow a hunch, or dismiss a strange, new creative idea, or gloss over a dream that warned you to be careful of what you eat this week. But it is not counter-intuitive when an idea doesn't fit the constraints of cultural norms. Sheesh!!!