Monday, February 13, 2006

The Guadalupe Virgin Lands
The houses on either side of me have been empty for months. And in the past few days new families have moved into both. On one side, an older Hispanic man who runs a landscaping business, and who promptly cut down all the trees, took out the hedge, and paved the front yard so he could park his many trucks there. On the other side, a younger Hispanic family with three small boys who make those high-pitched, ear-busting screams as they play on the swingset. I have no preconceived ideas about Latinos, no biases. It's just interesting that I am being put in contact with SOUTH, the direction of the physical, of life force and emotion, without leaving home. Hmmm. Yes, I think I do need more of this, and less mental focus. . . I am waiting to see what gifts of consciousness these families bring with them, what role they will play in my growth. Why has my movie changed? From my bedroom window, I see that Jose has only thin lace curtains on his bedroom window, and inside on the wall is a huge poster of the Guadalupe Virgin. I have a Guadalupe light switch, candle, and mouse pad.