Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tune in to the Astrological Time

I thought this latest announcement from astrologer Jacqueline Lasahn covers some important points that line up with what I've been experiencing energetically.

Sagittarius New Moon December 5, 2010 9:37 am PST
Uranus direct December 5
Mercury retrograde December 10 - 29

Universe of chaos,
Universe of divine design.
Instability. Surprise. Opportunity.
Seek the higher ground
Choose wisely.
Challenge to realize the uneasy truth
and translate it into a conscious outlook
and careful speech.
Ethics, morals, manipulation,
righteousness and justice
are in the headlines;
we each have our own story.
The power of truth
pushes each one of us to reach higher,
dig deeper, search farther.
Claim your authority.
Beware of fanaticism and "pushing the river."
The cosmic river has been moving swiftly
and we're riding the rapids.
Be mindful, be awake, be aware.

11/27 Pluto conjunct Moon's North Node
12/4 Mercury conjunct Moon's North Node
12/5 Mercury conjunct Pluto, Uranus direct, New Moon Sagittarius
12/10 Mercury retrograde
12/13 Mercury, Mars and Pluto all line-up in Capricorn

More than simply a notorious Mercury retrograde.
We are called to live with purpose, meaning and integrity.
There is energy to harness, power in focus.
Grabbed by tension, pulled in opposite directions,
plans may be immobilized
or willfully forged ahead.
Be aware of where you are persisting
and what you are resisting.

Squeezing through the eye of a needle,
assimilate what is essential,
shed the excess.
Avoid sharp attitudes, harsh, tactless speech.
Consider your mind as a laser,
your tongue as a sword
and your will as a transformative agent towards our future.
The consciousness and practice of intentions is of the utmost importance now.

Sagittarius New Moon Contemplations and actions:
What is the truth emerging at this time? What is my truth?
How may I focus my aspirations with integrity?