If you're interested, you might check out this website for the annual prayer vigil for the earth in Washington DC, Oct 20-21.
Celebrate the 15th Anniversary of The Prayer Vigil for the Earth!
Where people of diverse faiths, cultures, backgrounds and ages come together to practice peace with self, peace with others, and peace with the Earth with One Mind, One Voice, One Heart and One Prayer.
The host tradition is Native American, joined by spiritual leaders and representatives from major faiths, spiritual beliefs and anyone who wants to be part of this magical, exhilarating and peaceful experience.
Each year, a sacred fire burns continuously in the center of a circle of tipis, African and Christian alters, a Jewish sukkah, a Tibetan stupa and other religious traditions' symbols. There is a labyrinth, a Prayer Grove, a children's activity area and other offerings.
Prayers and ceremonies are continuous for 33 hours concluding midday Sunday, October 21.